martes, 31 de mayo de 2011


My friend's name is Pedro Piña and he’s from Maracaibo, Venezuela. He’s 19 years old and lives in Urbanization El Pinar. He’s studying Graphic Design in the 3rd semester.

He likes Music, Graphic Design and Industrial Art besides that he likes playing the bass, hanging around with his friends, being with his girlfriend, being on the computer and reading about graphic design. He also likes to apply what he reads on his designs. On the other hand, he hates being late for a place, being hungry and dealing with a slow computer.

His dream is to get graduated, have a decent job and being able to travel around the world in his vacations. The first place he wants to go is Bolivar State, here in Venezuela.

He thinks that English is interesting because it allow us to interact or communicate in other countries. He said that all the best information and resources he found are in English.

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