martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Video: Fall

Fall from Lainy Voom on Vimeo.

I think the right phrase in this case is Fall for (informal), fall in love with. 

The video shows a girl stading alone in the middle of nowhere holding an umbrella and a photo of a boy. The scene we see in this part is kind of sad or melancholic because of the tone of the colors and the fact she's all alone. The music helps that sensation too. She walks to the edge of a cliff and starts to fall down, passing through some letters until she's underwater meeting with the boy we saw in the photo in the beginning. 

I think is a metaphor of a girl who can't handle falling in love for a boy who has been trying to make her fall, maybe through letters. So in the end, she ends up with him. When they hug each other, there's a comparison between the calm or relax feeling of the water and the hug, make me think that they finally felt peace beacuse they've fallen in love.

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